Save Money and Avoid Costly Contracts

Sadly, the fairy tales of money growing on trees don’t exist. Don’t worry though! There are ways to make it feel like you have your own money tree by saving. Putting money aside while having to pay monthly contract plans can feel tough at times.
Going through all the various monthly contract plan options companies offer can be overwhelming and leave you feeling puzzled. Today we are going to share tips with you on how you can save money on pay monthly contract plans!
➾ Do Research on Cheapest Deals
Who doesn’t love a great deal?! I have to admit, it is very hard to resist but don’t be fooled by low numbers! It is important to remember that you are subscribing to a TV provider that comes with a fixed tariff.
Before we share more tips- we need to back it up and understand what a fixed tariff even is:
Allows you to fix your prices for a set period of time
Prices vary depending on which provider you go forward with, but they are definitely going to stay at the same rate for the time period on the monthly contract plan
Now that we cleared the air on what that was, you need to remember that, that cheap price might not cover all that you are hoping from the provider. They might provide all the sport channels or maybe they don’t have a bundle plan with your favorite channels such as HBO or Showtime. Excuse me! Did someone say no Euphoria?! Nope. Not worth it.
I mean… we are not totally stuck because as long as you remember you get what you pay for, it will all start to make sense.
➾ Is it worth it?
Okay, I have to admit I am not your typical die-hard Euphoria fan so maybe the subscription isn’t worth the pay monthly contract plan. Actually, every sport channel and every HBO show might not be worth all of the commercials and anticipation of waiting to see what happens next week.
That leads to thinking about usage. Are you really going to wait a whole entire week to find out what happens? Or even have time to sit down and enjoy all of the million sport channels that the subscription offers?! If you are someone who is busy juggling work and personal life, then this subscription probably isn’t worth it. As busy as life is, you probably don’t even have time to sit down and watch all those channels provided so the usage won’t be worth the unpleasant bill.
Thinking about this is a lesson that will stick with you forever since it is key to fully understand what the providers offer in their contacts before signing!
➾ Consider internet and TV bundle
Being able to subscribe to Netflix and not having to be at the edge of my seat during commercials sounds great and all but does it really? Of course, with that luxury of no commercials and binge watching comes with a price. Netflix doesn’t just magically appear on your TV- there needs to be internet!
Subscribing to a TV cable provider might not sound so bad after all. Saving money on having cable PLUS internet sounds like a great deal to me!
Think about these tips. You don’t want to be stuck in a monthly contract plan that isn’t right for your lifestyle. Take a second to really think about if paying the extra fees for sports and HBO really is worth the monthly payment plans verses paying that extra money for Netflix or maybe neither! Saving money on not subscribing to all the sports and Netflix might not compare to the bundle price of cable and internet. It is all up to you to take these tips we provided to you today and see how you really can save money while enjoying some good ole television!
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