Tax season is just around the corner, and here at Practical Accounting Solutions we want to help you be prepared! Whether this is your first meeting with an accountant ever, or whether you just need a refresher, read on to discover what to bring to your tax appointment!

photo from
*click each link to learn more about this form
Income Items
Financial statements for Business Income (Sole Proprietor, Rental Property, etc.)
Schedule K-1 for ownership interest in Partnership, S-Corp, Estate, Trust, etc.
Anything else showing income
Expense/Deduction/Credit Items
Personal Property Tax Statements
Records of Medical Mileage
Any documentation required for other credits/deductions
Other Items
Prior Year Tax Return (or two if they are readily available)
List of Dependents including their Legal Name, Social Security Number and Date of Birth
Statements from Health Insurance Company if you received the Premium Tax Credit (1095-A)
Government Issued Photo ID (i.e. Driver’s License, State ID, Military ID, etc.)
Bank Routing Number and Bank Account Number (Voided check is best)
Friends/Family/Coworkers (We Love Referrals)
While this may seem like a lengthy list, the more information you provide, the better! These documents will help give us a full picture of you as a client so we can help you process your taxes smoothly. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call today!
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Contact us
(540) 642-4138
10705 Courthouse Rd #116, Fredericksburg, VA 22407